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Update From Waterloo

less than 1 minute read


It’s been seven months since I last posted something here. Since then, I’ve moved from my country to Waterloo, Canada. I’ve been enjoying the calm here, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss the chaos in my big city!

University of Waterloo

less than 1 minute read


Hello. I am planning to join the University of Waterloo as a master’s student in the following fall term. This is my first time studying abroad and being this far from home and I’m immensely excited about it. Even though I’m a bit scared and depressed about leaving home, the possibilities that the future hold are enough for me to keep on pushing.


University of Waterloo

less than 1 minute read


Hello. I am planning to join the University of Waterloo as a master’s student in the following fall term. This is my first time studying abroad and being this far from home and I’m immensely excited about it. Even though I’m a bit scared and depressed about leaving home, the possibilities that the future hold are enough for me to keep on pushing.

Hello World

less than 1 minute read


This is my first blog post. I plan to update my posts with fun information I find. Hit me up via email if you have any questions about my posts.